Black Power Politics

A polemic and critique of Black American politics and movement toward sophisticated applications,

Location: New York, New York, United States

A veteran organizer in the “movement,” Gary James was a staff organizer in the borough of Queens for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), from 1966 to 1971 under the leadership of the late Dr. George Wiley organization’s President. Gary James is a political analyst and free lance writer. He is the author of a book entitled ERACISM that will be released in the spring of 2007. The provocative "political faction" book highlights grassroots politics in New York from the late 1960s to the present. For a limited time the book can be accessed at his web site:

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Apparently one of the provocative commentaries on the Black-Power-Politics BLOG has inspired an interesting but, A-typical interaction between Dr. Lenora Fulani and Gary James, a political analyst and author of the controversial commentary: “Black Mules & RINO’s Cut-Off New Generation Leaders.”

The piece in question is a critic of black politics in general and asserts apparent political limitations of political business as usual in the black community specifically. A controversy was inspired when a comment to the post was made by Attorney A. Frazier, on behalf of Dr. Lenora Fulani and Dr. Jesse Fields.

According to Frazier “Your comments regarding Dr. Fields and Dr. Fulani fail to mention their thirty year plus record of building/leading the independent movement in electoral politics. Especially, the historic presidential run of Dr. Fulani in 1988 when she was the first woman and Black ever to be on the ballot in all fifty states. They represent in part the 47% of Black voters that left the Democratic Party to vote for Mike Bloomberg as Independents in 2005. Dr. Jesse Fields had run on the Independents line many times. More Democracy, less sexism.”

In reaction to Frazier’s allegation of “sexism” James said, “I have made the observation in a private conversation that Dr. Fulani was an attractive sister in my opinion. If that comment is a demonstration of my “sexism,” I plead guilty.”

Responding to Frazier’s comment James wrote:
“A. Frazier, Esq.
Thank you for the comment on my post: ‘Black Mules & RINO’s Cut-Off New Generation Leaders.’ While the piece is a critic of black politics and does not highlight the impressive political accomplishments of leaders such as Dr. Fulani individually and in the context of advancing “minority” politics, I thoroughly recognize her ongoing contribution. And kudos to the important work of Dr. Fields as well.

I regret if Dr. Fulani took my critic personally. Interestingly enough a political associate advised me that there may be some residual fallout from 2002 when Dr. Fulani’s candidate Dr. Jesse Fields prevailed over my candidate Conrad (Muhammad) Tillard for the Republican Party nomination in the 15th CD against the Honorable Charles Rangel. Also, I was informed that Dr. Fulani was made aware of my interest in her romantically as opposed her politics. Since then I have not been invited to her political events or to break bread with her and colleagues. Nevertheless, I stand by critical post and my “sexist” comment.”

Alton Chase is a long-time political activist and analyst. Chase is the Political Director of Harlem PIRG (Public Interest Research Group) a recently formulated think tank and can be accessed at