Black Power Politics

A polemic and critique of Black American politics and movement toward sophisticated applications,

Location: New York, New York, United States

A veteran organizer in the “movement,” Gary James was a staff organizer in the borough of Queens for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO), from 1966 to 1971 under the leadership of the late Dr. George Wiley organization’s President. Gary James is a political analyst and free lance writer. He is the author of a book entitled ERACISM that will be released in the spring of 2007. The provocative "political faction" book highlights grassroots politics in New York from the late 1960s to the present. For a limited time the book can be accessed at his web site:

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Despite Rudy Giuliani being soft on gay marriage, longtime political grassroots activist Gary James supports the former Mayor’s bid for the Republican Party’s Presidential nomination in 2008. James declares that he will lobby Rudy on the issue of gay marriage with the hope that he will edify his position, should his candidacy for president generates political legs.

James said, “I could appreciate the need for Giuliani to be ‘politically correct’ as the Mayor of New York City, but as a GOP Presidential nominee his position on the issue will need to be ‘strategically correct,’ if his campaign is to gain national credibility.”

He continued, “Marriage is an ancient institution designed for ‘straight’ man and women. It is the gay community (LGBT-lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and trans-genders), that codified the juxtaposition between the ‘straight’ vs. ‘gay’ lifestyles. Given this popular ‘politically correct’ juxtaposition, it makes no logical sense that the distinctive LGBT community would advocate joining a traditionally ‘straight’ institution.”

“It seems reasonable to me that the appropriate political position of the gay community would be to seek to establish a comparable nuptial institution unique to the issues associated with the gay community. Just as there is a dichotomy between ‘straight’ and ‘gay’ their respective institutions of marriage should be appropriately represented, James concluded.”

Apart from the controversy associated with Giuliani’s position on gay rights, his candidacy may be just what the doctor order for the defunct local GOP infrastructure in New York State, and an apathetic local Democratic Party. A legitimate heir to the legacy of President Ronald Reagan, Giuliani’ bid for the presidency will likely be more successful the former New York Mayor Al Smith.

During the 1984 re-election of Reagan-Bush, the Republican Party ticket carried New York State, due in large measure to the effort of so-called “Reagan Democrats,” and grassroots GOP activists. Prior to President Reagan landslide re-election victory, the Republican Party had not carried New York since Calvin Coolidge 60 year’s earlier.

Similar to Reagan Democrats, Mayor Giuliani enjoys the support of many “Giuliani Democrats,” but it remains to be seen if his campaign will address and overcome the lack of a credible local GOP leadership and a bewildered electorate. Perhaps Giuliani may follow the example of President Reagan and reach-out beyond the GOP county organizations and engage the grassroots Republican Party elements.

Keisha Morrisey, a former GOP candidate in 2002 and 2003 for the New York State Assembly in the 70 AD, and New York City Council in the 9th CD respectively, said. “I am in the process of evaluation the feasibility of seeking the GOP nomination for the state legislature in 2008, and I am hopeful that Mayor Rudy Giuliani will seek the party’s presidential nomination, and stimulate party reform at the local level.”

Ms. Morrisey, who is a single mother of a teenage son concluded saying, “But when my son gets married I want him to marry a woman. But, I support civil unions for gays tailored to protect their domestic relationships.”

Gary James said, “Based on anecdotal data there are currently less than ten percent of the population who affirm and practice the gay lifestyle. If ten percent or less of the American population is gay, then it is an aberrant lifestyle and while its practitioners should be treated with the respect accorded to other members of the human family, it is clear that they are among the communities of special needs and require civil rights protection.”

James concluded, “While Mayor Giuliani’s position on gay rights may be ‘politically correct,’ it is not ‘strategically correct’ and will need to be edited in order to pull off an upset GOP primary election victory.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

6:40 AM  

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